Having defeated the Aliens easily, I wanted more. More missions, more ships, and more fighting. After seing many posts in newsgroups asking "Is this is?" and "Does this game ever end?" I realized that that's what everyone else wants too. So, with the help of Daniel's excellent artistic ability, I made what I think is a pretty good plug-in with extremely difficult missions. Ever try to kill 3 Alien Cruisers at the same time? You will. After you finally defeated all of those Kestrels in the T.A.G. mission, were you thirsty for more? Good, because you'll get more. Would you like to see the war between the Letheans and the Cydonians come to and end? It will. Who will get the water? You'll have to figure it out yourself.
Carrier: This is the most powerful ship in the plug-in; with it, you could easily destroy a Confed Cruiser. Get it while you can, though, because you will have to complete a very difficult mission or series of missions to get it in the next version.
Vorlon: This is a top-notch fighter, although it is technically not a fighter, it is a frigate. It wouldn't make a very good freighter, unless you really want to protect your cargo (your very small cargo).
Rebel Clipper: This is a modified clipper with a new paint job. It is the only ship not designed by Daniel in the plug-in. I'll let you find out how good this one is...
What only three? Yeah, this version will only have three ships, but Daniel just sent me graphics for 4 more ships, and he's working on three more, so there should be around 10 ships in the next version.
There are a total of 15 missions in this plug-in; that's all I have to say about that (Gump).
There are no new systems in this plug-in, look at the future plans section for more details.
There is really only one new weapon in the plug-in so far, the Double Proton Turret. As it's name implies, it is a Proton Turret with twice as many guns. Right now it has the graphic from the regular proton turret, but that may change in the next version.
Future Plans
In the next version, I plan to add more ships, weapons, missions, and possibly some systems and stellar objects. After the next version is released, I plan to release a whole new scenario for EV. It is not just a plug-in that adds stuff to the game, it is a whole new game. It will have all new governments, ships (Which you will see in the next version), some new weapons, a whole new universe... Everything will be different. Wait and see, you will be amazed.
I would especially like to thank James William Stepanek (buzzard+@CMU.EDU). He sent in by far the most bug reports, and without him this plug-in wouldn't be out yet.